The advantage for students who would take up online tesda courses is that they will have the luxury to study the chosen course at their free time and at their own pace provided they own a laptop / desktop computer and a high-speed internet. The disadvantage of this program however is that there will be no training certificate to be given to those who would be able to complete the course.

If students want to earn a National Certificate, they should take the face-to-face assessment test given by the respective Tesda assessment center and make sure to pass the exam so all the hardwork will not be fruitless.
List of Tesda Online Courses that has no Tuition Fee:
Ship’s Catering
Information technology
Computer Systems Servicing
Animation (3D Digital)
Basic computer operation
CAM / CAD operation
Computer Systems servicing
Web Development using HTML5 and CSS3
Microsoft Online Courses: Game Development
Game Production Basics
Developing 2D Games with HTML5
Developing 2D, 3D games with Unity
Software Game Developments Fundamentals
C# Fundamentals for Beginners
Udacity – Google Courses
Android Development for Beginners
UX Design for Mobile Developers
Smart Sweep Lecture Series
Food and Beverage Servicing
Waiter Servicing
Room Attendant Servicing
Bus Boy Servicing
Guest Room Attendant Servicing
Valet Servicing
Public Area Attendant Servicing
Laundry Servicing
Provide Housekeeping to Guests
Preparing Sandwiches
Preparing Egg Dishes
Preparing Vegetable Dishes
Preparing Starch Dishes
Preparing Salads and Salad Dressing
Preparing Appetizers
Preparing Desserts
Bread and Pastry Production
Preparing Pastry Products
Cellphone Servicing
Solar Night Light Assembly
Fruit Grower
Automotive Battery Servicing
Diesel Engine tune Up
Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition
Packaged Air Conditioner Unit Servicing
Trainers Methodology I
Plan Training Session
Facilitate Learning Session
Conduct Competency Assessment
Trainers Methodology II
Curriculum Development
Massage Therapy
Shiatsu Massage
Swedish Massage
Thai Massage
Beauty Care
Nail Care
Tuition fee is free (libre) for tesda courses to be taken online. To enroll, aspiring students should register an account through then follow the instruction for the enrollment. Prepare for a valid email as it will be used during the registration / enrollment process.
For inquiries and other concern, send email to [email protected] or call +632 – 3837839. Applicants may also visit Tesda schools near your place.